Not devided yet, typically stack of postgres plus REST API with image serving plus some CDN.
Preferably not locking in on any non OSS PaaS
Preferably not locking in on any non OSS PaaS
Do you how often would the api called? E.g. ballpark RPS or total requests in a month, and could the type of data it returns be heavily cached?
Really hard to estimate how many api calls tbh.
I'd recommend either:
- workers, at about $5 p/m you'd likely have everything hosted within the included limits with no overage needed yet. e.g. host api with workers, D1 sql for DB, R2 for asset storage + make heavy use of the free Cache API in the worker
I project I did would have cost around $7k p/m on GCP, self host through hetzner ~$300p/m - this was hundreds of cores and ram - which you won't need
I still favour convenience of not self-hosting when the cost is low or it will always fall into the free or low tier of a provider like Cloudflare
I got one number from one project that's 5k/month with 500k-1million visits per month. Which seems to suggest that the cost per user is really not much today