The most slept on argument against "porn addiction" being real is ... actual pornographers.
People who work in the industry around porn all day, every day. And you could not find a group that is more blasé about it.
People who work in the industry around porn all day, every day. And you could not find a group that is more blasé about it.
You’re saying all those pastors are wrong?
On the other hand, people in porn have to be around porn constantly. And yet it becomes like wallpaper.
The "addiction" comes from shame about consuming.
And that's honestly a bummer cause I know there's so many other people make cool content out there 😅
It doesn't mean porn needs to be regulated because it's potentially addictive, but to claim there's no such thing as porn addiction is ignorant about addiction.
I am not the best speaker. My yelling "FOR THE LOVE OF!!!!" in frustration isn't eloquent.
Can people turn to those things for comfort in distress? In depression? In anxiety? Yes.
Does it mean there's something intrinsic to those things that needs to be patrolled like a drug? No.
Actually find the interacting about real things other than getting off constantly more interesting and worth more all around.
Actually at times a very supportive and wholesome community.
Totes normal.
Sex addiction or porn addiction isn’t “liking porn a lot”…it’s watching videos & masturbating all day instead of working, asking for sex multiple times a day, & losing sexual function.
I can have a beer. My alcoholic cousin cannot.