There are dozens of these laws being pushed forward at the state-level, ostensibly targeting "porn." The attacks on the adult industry are bad enough and we should stand up for the rights of those engaged— or consuming! — adult content.
But do not believe for one second that this is where it stops.
But do not believe for one second that this is where it stops.
Stand up to it as such.
But I'll be damned if I'd ever force adults to get permission from the government to access them.
Thank you for sharing this. Anyone and everyone in porn, sex work or those that enjoy it should be contacting their reps to vote no!
any of them talking about "harm to minors" should have to answer for that first.
Let’s get real. I seriously doubt there’s a single kid who would check out a book to get their rocks off—especially when they’ve got a pocket full of porn on their cell phones. Perhaps the dinosaur Rs in Congress need to pull their head out of their asses & realize no one’s going back to 1950.
I read Montana 1948 in high school in the 90s and it was on the syllabus *because* it described abuse, not in spite of it.