Come on….why so tough on yourself? Draw a piece and put Be Happy in it somewhere, or multiple places, someone’s hair, on their shirt and then hang it up and BE HAPPY! Let me see it too!
I understand the feeling. I've actually been going through all my old sketchbooks to see what stands out to me and then resketching the art into my current sketchbook. It's really fun to see how much I've marginally improved over the years.
Put it in a dark closet somewhere long enough you forgot you made it. Then when you clean out the closet you'll be looking at it as a new person, and it'll be a piece you like.
I look at your art and I’m happy. You can do what I can’t - I’ve been trying to rewire my brain from scratch all month so far, trying to replicate all the concept art and backgrounds and environmental scenes I admire.
It’s not going well. I’m terrible at compositions. ^u^’
One tends to be overly critical of their own work. We see it the most - we MAKE it. Of course it needs to be perfect. But it’s important to remember that our audience is seldom comprised of only same-level peers.
It’s good to have high standards, but I believe it’s just as good to remember that most people are excited just to see new imagery to be stimulate and inspired by.
Someone will always think what you do to be masterful. Case in point: me. Your work is masterful to me. I love it.
I don't have very high standards. I just would love to be happy with what I do. I love to share for that reason, to inspire people to do the same, more so than getting any praise or admiration.
One would think you do this so much because you already ARE happy with what you do. But it sounds like you’re experiencing burn-out. Drawing more for the career and less for the enjoyment of creating and sharing. You make new things almost daily. I’d be tired…
I hope you discover your passion for it again, even if it means you end up taking a break from drawing - certainly distance yourself from the social media aspect of it for awhile.
But I also aspire to create the kind of landscapes you do in my own oil paintings! Maybe I won't be happy then either, but at least it will be an accomplishment 😅
Mood. Even though I don't understand why you feel that way because you're extremely talented and a LOT of people think so, too. I wish I was as talented. I've work so hard for years, but don't have anything to show for it so things could be worse.
There's this insatiable desire for one's work to be better than it is - Its like tomorrow, or the horizon, it will never arrive but the journey is sooooo good
I think the planning and making of my art is what I like best. For both the challenge and anticipation. I like my finished art and I am as happy as I can get while being painfully aware of all it's flaws.
I personally am but I exist in a tiny little sphere and am just happy I got to draw my technicolor furries. Simple, small, smooth brained. Keeps me happy in this awful life!
Of course not. I experiment and churn out trash all the time, messy practice is enjoyable like that too.
But are you happy with any art you create AT ALL - that’s the real question. Your initial post made it sound otherwise; like you aren’t even proud of your older work anymore.
Some are ok, but I look forward and look for new inspirations. I'm not the one to judge my old art anyway, but some are better than I thought as with distance things change.
Let's say i could delete all of it now and not regret it, like I did already some years ago. It's the journey no the result.
I’ve heard it said many times NEVER to delete your old work, any of it. As awful as the old stuff often is, you wouldn’t have anything to look back on to see your progress.
Then again I’m just a nostalgic fool probably taking up way too much drawer space with old sketchbooks…
Hard drive space for sure with ancient digital drawings and reference images… 💦
Besides, you never know what anthropologist might stumble upon it one day and think it a gold mine of history… Says me, on the verge of hoarding artistic junk that’ll never see daylight.
If you're not happy with what you create, and give up because you think the goal is to be happy with your work and always improve. That's where the problem often lies and why so many people stop creating stuff. It's a journey that is not trivial and very different to many other activities.
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." ~Pablo Picasso
It’s not going well. I’m terrible at compositions. ^u^’
Someone will always think what you do to be masterful. Case in point: me. Your work is masterful to me. I love it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all.
For every artist to be able to just work on their art and be happy.
But I also aspire to create the kind of landscapes you do in my own oil paintings! Maybe I won't be happy then either, but at least it will be an accomplishment 😅
But are you happy with any art you create AT ALL - that’s the real question. Your initial post made it sound otherwise; like you aren’t even proud of your older work anymore.
Let's say i could delete all of it now and not regret it, like I did already some years ago. It's the journey no the result.
Then again I’m just a nostalgic fool probably taking up way too much drawer space with old sketchbooks…
Besides, you never know what anthropologist might stumble upon it one day and think it a gold mine of history… Says me, on the verge of hoarding artistic junk that’ll never see daylight.
It's a productive ecosystem if the artist likes making art but doesn't like the end result, so makes more
and other people like the end result, so that there's an external motivation to keep going