Progressivism is dying a shockingly quick death right in front of us.
The flaws we ignored are too apparent.
There are two teams. People like me who woke up from the coma and those that are too mentally weak to. They will be politically irrelevant.
The flaws we ignored are too apparent.
There are two teams. People like me who woke up from the coma and those that are too mentally weak to. They will be politically irrelevant.
I don't think that's useful to put it mildly.
Progressivism just got the greatest shot in the arm since Hoover "businessmanned" us into the Great Depression.
These will be the radicalizing years that turn all but the dinosaurs away from the right for another half century.
A) 100% full agreement with everything tucutes are demanding
or ...
B) transphobia
I don’t know who this refers to or what set of positions and arguments it includes. This seems to work to paint whichever people meant to be included as irrational and off their rocker. Feels like “irrational” is conflated w/“unpragmatic.”
Your definition of going too far might not match mine, but you have one, right? I.e. you are not the most extreme progressive you know.