Happy to say that thus far, I have only experienced someone telling me explicitly that they disliked this story BECAUSE I never specify the NB character's genitals... twice!
Honestly, truly, less push-back than I thought I'd get! Sort of been a huge relief.
Honestly, truly, less push-back than I thought I'd get! Sort of been a huge relief.
Plus a little mystery is fun!
I loved the spicy stuff but I , personally, always enjoy the romantic elements of your novels more than the sexual ones ( not because the NSFW elements aren't of quality of course) so Darcy's genitals weren't really a priority.
Was this decision elicited by the way irl NB people actually prefer NB characters to be written/portrayed or was the intention to leave it up to the reader's imagination so everyone could enjoy the NSFW choosing the set of genitals they feel attracted to?
Would you say that Darcy's the character you can relate to the most? Are they a reflection of you or at least your gender expression?
If I'm wrong, what's the character you can relate to the most? If you can relate to any of your characters that is.
There's a little bit of myself in most of my characters, but I probably vibe more with Isidor on a personal level in this story.
Isidor is such a remarkably well-written character and MC I can totally see you relating to him because he feels like a real person.
Regarding your gender, sorry for assuming you were NB 😅
The book's over yonder on FP - https://furplanet.com/shop/search.aspx?search=hearttheft