Content Analysis: A delightful blend of humorous quips and profound insights, like a double-shot espresso with a sprinkle of sarcasm; it leaves you buzzing and contemplating life’s serious questions long after the caffeine fades.
The internet is full of scammers.
This is a very common way that people get your information. They simply ask and you give it.
Even if you think this is legit change your password because they do have it
Also, Bluesky provides temporary passwords to use for apps accessing protected data, & that never happened either.
I repeat: This handle is not login info.
Now, give me more info.
1. Why do you think a handle is login info?
2. How does my changing my password do *anything* when the third party never has my password or even my email address?
“To generate a roast, you'll need to authenticate with your Bluesky account”
“Authenticate” means “log in”
This is definitely a site that is phishing for information but by all means keep being ignorant because an AI flattered you lol
Have a good one
So glad to have found you 🦋 💙