No. states can stay states. People can ban together en mass to fight mess created rather than constantly writing about moving to Canada. Don't need states mentality coming here. I don't believe people are willing to do the hard work to bring your country together again.
Plus you’re talking about us moving there, we are talking about us staying HERE and sharing our money. We know it’s not going to happen, we are just consoling one another down here.
Also- Don't care about what states have $. Canadians are fine w/o u.s. arrogance. People unhappy with what's going on in u.s. put boots to ground en mass,take power back instead of only venting on internet. Non u.s can stop supporting any u.s. business in response to your country's insanity.
I think you’re being harsh but I do understand the sentiment. Please remember that the handful of asshats do not speak for the rest of us. There are ~330 million people here in the United States. He did not win by a mandate or landslide. We had international interference- you should SEE our news!
I am not harsh. My tone can't be read or eyes seen. I cut off u.s. news, only listening to what my family down there informs us on. I don't trust any news channels coming from there. I don't trust our news up here either. My focus is our own mess of election coming up. Poilievre = temu trump.
I think we are arrogant too! I understand this completely. However we are not only venting on the internet. The media is not showing what is happening.
I have spent the majority of my time outside of work fighting and I’m not alone. There are so many of us working hard, and yes we do social media.
You have a country that was built from systematic racism & misogyny that continues to this day unchecked. I see a country who tries to erase other cultures, hates on Black people. Then comes that trade b.s. in January. We don't need that energy here.
Trust me, I am well aware of our shameful history. This is why we cannot go backwards and we are fighting every day to try to get the racist nazi sexist asshats out.
You’re not wrong - it is like a cancer. I respect your opinion but please remember there are far more of us than there are of them.
I respect yours too. Biggest wtf for my neck of woods was we all saw what he is yet he was voted in. The breakdown of voters was disheartening. I hope for you & my family down there safety. May this insanity get people serious about coming together to get him out fast.
Totally get it. I was more thinking some sort of alliance to counter the authoritarianism. With Mexico, too.
(I’m not in US. In Australia, which acts like USA’s mini me, so I have an idea of the cultural imperialism concerns, but obvs not threatening on our doorstep. Very worried for Canada)
It wouldn't work. At this point in time, it will take decades for u.s. to rebuild trust with many countries not only Canada. My focus is Canada & our upcoming election. Poilievre is a far right conservative we need to keep out of office. Sadly this type conservative is on rise here.
I drew a blue line along Lake Michigan but we do NOT claim Green Bay unless we can change their name to Chicago North. 😂😂😂
Also- Do you know how much money is in CA, IL, NY alone? We pay a huge share into our government to fund red states.
We could freeze Leon out and rejoin when the red pull themselves up and overthrow him.
I say push his ass out of the nest.! Protect your other babies, mama bird!
I have spent the majority of my time outside of work fighting and I’m not alone. There are so many of us working hard, and yes we do social media.
You’re not wrong - it is like a cancer. I respect your opinion but please remember there are far more of us than there are of them.
(I’m not in US. In Australia, which acts like USA’s mini me, so I have an idea of the cultural imperialism concerns, but obvs not threatening on our doorstep. Very worried for Canada)