Authors, if you see this, it's a sign to post the first line of your book.
"Free persons act together."
"Free persons act together."
Reposted from
Benjamin Dreyer
Authors, if you see this, it's a sign to post the first line of your book.
"I am a copy editor."
(Call me Herr Issyvoo, I borrowed it from him.)
"I am a copy editor."
(Call me Herr Issyvoo, I borrowed it from him.)
"My subject is shit, unavoidably."
(Deliberately echoing Shapin's and Schaffer's first line of Leviathan and the Air Pump: "Our subject is experiment." My last line also echoes theirs)
“In early August 54, the consular candidate C. Memmius revealed to the Senate the
worst electoral scandal Rome had ever known.”