I certainly hope not! I have a deep connection to my environment, the wilderness land, water, plants animals… and I know many who do. It is our best avenue for survival.
Racing To Extinction
This book provides readers with a panorama of the convergence of humanity and our planet in both time and space. https://race2extinct.com
Modern society is estranged from reality and natural cycles and hence literally nothing can make sense. Animal minds have not evolved to deal with the high levels of entropy that modern society represents. Below on the right, we see the minds of modern humans disintegrate...
Been living here in the Cordillera Cantábrica in Asturias, Spain, for 18 years, in a village with 2 inhabited houses, population 6 including neighbors' two children.
Yes, though this is part of "la España vaciada" (emptied Spain) - a rural region in economic decline, so the population is shrinking. When I moved here in 2007, the county population was over 12,000; today it is under 9,000.
That's certainly true in my case. I moved to the rural wilds of France (from England, where anything resembling rural wilds were actually semi-urban, wildlife-depleted & way out of my price range). I have no TV & no interest in politics/celebs... but I'm aware that Elon Musk is now POTUS, right? 😉🫤
I moved to Maine to have more nature less chaos. 30 min or so from oceans and beaches and 45 from Acadia National Park. Our connection and curiosity of the natural world should never be lost
This book provides readers with a panorama of the convergence of humanity and our planet in both time and space. https://race2extinct.com
fly on a plane ?
drive in a car ?
A recognizing of our greater natural world