it's weird you'd think the overlap would be significant between pinball players and gamers but i've found most pinball players to only be into retro/indie games, if they're into games at all, and gaming isn't their "thing" like it is for " gamers™ " /rant
Different use of the same motor skills, imo. Plus having something large and physical like a pinball machine in front of me somehow makes using and training those skills easier? Hard to really explain
i feel like it's a very similar game to Medieval Madness and without the bizarre sexual innuendos so it's a win in my book :^) very fast paced, keep the ball moving, shoot for the middle, no need for traps, minimal nudging required pin.
If you ever wanted to at least dip your toe in the rabbit hole there are a lot of great resources out there, but this is an excellent place to start to get a sense for how it all comes together
Very cool! Out here on the NJ shore, we have the Silver all Museum, it's full of restored pinball games since the dawn of them, and they are all functional and you can play unlimited times once you pay admission to enter. They have a second location in Delray Beach,FL 😁
if you're ever up in VT, check out Pastime Pinball... 50+ tables dating back to the 40's, $20-something for the full day and there's a lil bar with pretzels and Vermont food and drinks (get the root beer float w/ Cabot ice cream- so good.)
it's like a 30 mile bike ride for me and this is theeee perfect time of year for bike rides on Vermont back roads... come during peak foliage. Manchester, VT is to New England what fentanyl is to heroin, it's concentrated quaintness.
There’s an arcade in the city an hour away from me that’s mostly just pinball and a few other cabinets like house of the dead or street fighter. 17 bucks front charge and all the games are rigged to play for free. Fun as hell
Every single one of these games was a throw-away disaster. Almost all of them came out of hoarder situations. I restored every game back to spec on my own! If I’m rich, it’s in experience. :-)
Next yeah tho
Id love to.
Being just dumb enough to jump in feet first is the trick
fucking goals, GOALS
Truly, goals. I'd love to have a basement full of much-loved pinball machines
sadly I only have my rhythm games