The true evil of these Evangelicals isn't what they say, it is what they are teaching their kids. Gay 13-year-old Tyrone was beaten-up everyday by Evangelical boys. He begged them to stop, they wouldn't, saying he deserved it, the school did nothing.
Trump bragged that he punched a teacher at the Kew-Forest Prep School in the face for a bad grade when he was 10. Dad had to write the teacher/school a huge check to cover that up. He was the school bully. When he was 12, he was NOT invited back, why mom and dad sent him to boarding school
I had a Republican friend that is gay once tell me that he was okay with civil unions but not gay marriage. I said to him are you so Republican that you actually discriminate against yourself?
The true evil of these Evangelicals isn't what they say, it is what they are teaching their kids. Gay 13-year-old Tyrone was beaten-up everyday by Evangelical boys. He begged them to stop, they wouldn't, saying he deserved it, the school did nothing.
Comrades! Let us de-normalise marriage! ✊✊✊🔥🔥🔥