If he was a better man, he would've called out the Aholes and liars who used their power to completely destroy Murica. Sure, he was a good guy, who gave up his business to run the country, he didn't rip off anyone, and he built homes for the needy after his service, but WE ALL COULD'VE DONE MORE.
The thing about our unique history, is that every step of the way in our lives, each generation, we have these absolutely worthless morons and sociopaths who claw to their seat of power and then destroy everything they can, with zero consequences and no punishment. FUCK THAT. make all of them pay.
Hey don't keep me silent keeping me silent won't help and it will not stop me from posting them and it will not delete them from my phone so just be honest with me now say something now and when you ready to do what I want we are done that's it so
One of the few politicians I've ever really admired. Any time I want to know what a truly good human being is, all I have to do is think about Jimmy Carter.
Gentle, good and kind with steel-strong integrity.
Rest in Peace 🤍
Gentle, good and kind with steel-strong integrity.