For a sec I wondered if I forgot how to draw anime girls lol but no my anime skill tree is fine.
infact coming back to it has ingrained in me how learning 😈fundamentals😈 rly makes it so u can draw anything you want, as I already am interested in stylisation. I always heard that, but now I Get It
infact coming back to it has ingrained in me how learning 😈fundamentals😈 rly makes it so u can draw anything you want, as I already am interested in stylisation. I always heard that, but now I Get It
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I noticed I loved beautiful luminous scenes, with story, characters, vibrant colours and light.
Right now, im practicing and learning plein air from square 1 for this
Lately Im singing blessings to my developed adult brain bc I have joy in learning to understand art things now. I'm interested genuinely in expanding my skills, understanding, even painting realistically
My art "should" be at a certain level, it "should" be like this or that artists' art.
That my art style "should" be found, and then, remain consistent.
I'm free now. I want to grow and draw in many ways