Make these companies pay harshly. No Target. No Amazon. No McDonald's. No Walmart. (the list goes on)
I know some people have little choice but to depend on some of these companies, but I think we all have room to limit our patronization of these businesses. Do what you can.
I know some people have little choice but to depend on some of these companies, but I think we all have room to limit our patronization of these businesses. Do what you can.
Reposted from
Nicholas Grossman
Wait, a company sticking up a big middle finger to a sizable portion of its customers and employees is bad for business? Huh.
Next you'll tell me that corporations welcoming a wide swath of customers, and not listening to activists who whine about seeing others welcomed, was a profitable strategy.
Next you'll tell me that corporations welcoming a wide swath of customers, and not listening to activists who whine about seeing others welcomed, was a profitable strategy.