It's still not and let's keeping talking about how Nazis came to be, what they did and how they ended. There are excellent history lessons that are frightfully similar to what we are seeing now.
I’m old enough to remember when our family members were tortured, bullied, gave their lives, fought bravely,… for freedom against Nazis and Fascism in Europe.
At least communism is not a fundamentally evil ideology. At its core they want to make the world better, something that doesn't apply to nazis. Communists are authoritarians, but you can at least coexist with them.
That is very true, the formative ideology had good intentions and was based on bettering the lives of everyone through communal support. Of course, it is rare that people with power put the needs of others before themselves and $. What looks good on paper makes me want to be a hermit. :)
Honestly the fear of death is gonna be what dooms this species (if anything). These rich assholes are so afraid of death that they will sink to any low for even the tiniest sliver of survival. Putin killed hundreds of thousands to become a historical figure, musk is on a similar path but a messiah.
That's 'cause it's not the end. The hardest lessons are the opposite of what we initially think & society hasn't understood life/death yet. We are software and spirituality has known this forever.
It will be interesting in the future when we have to decide if an AI should have the same rights as humans. Todays AIs aren’t close, so no worries for a while.
I’m old enough to remember when the opinions of Nazis were known to be evil and smashed out of existence, not a controversial viewpoint we need to reach across the aisle and understand
Most people alive right now would be...? With the obvious exception of neonazi families over the years, only very young children have been introduced to this "Nazis are cool" as a more widespread cultural shift nonsense.
Nazi, Genocide, Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing. While these terms formerly had real meaning and a general understanding of the underlying concepts by the bulk of humanity, they are now commandeered by a variety of ideologues to use against whomever they disagree with. In short, they become meaningless.
No, naziism was never aspirational, was it. Always thought we, Americans, were pretty committed to defeat the nazis. Like the founders were pretty committed to defeating tyranny.
The American Bund, Americas Nazi party, was disbanded and outlawed during the early 40's here. It never left but went behind closed doors. It started surfacing again in the KKK, the Southern Gentleman's League, and other semi secret societies through the 50's when motorcycle...
...clubs starting tattooing swastikas and adopting some or all of their policies as a means of control and instilling fear in the public.
In March of 1959, George Rockwell founded the American Nazi Party and although somewhat public has still festered more in the secret societies that once again
...rear their heads up to show Americans there are totally disgusting , people here in our country. They will only grow once again with this Naziesque style administration and its far right backers.
I would think someone (MTG) will try to fly the swastika on the House floor before the year is out.
The oligrachs have worship Hitler in secret for decades. This is not new to the Republican party. The Nazis modeled the Third Reich on Jim Crow laws ffs.
Or when they understood what made someone a Nazi. The definition of fascism, etc. Now they’re too dumb to even know they are Nazi’s or what fascism even is.
I’m old enough to remember WW2 Vets talk
Goes beyond comprehension what WW2 soldiers feared when “Into the Jaws of death” fighting for Freedom. Juxtapose to MAGA’s Waving Trump Flags, Nazi Fascists Salutes/ Confederate Flags - disgusting beyond the pale…
As an exercise teachers used to have us in class discuss whether this could or couldn't ever happen here. And we just did it as a textbook/sake of argument exercise, because nobody really thought it ever could.
I remeber running Nazis out of punk shows. The first person I ever broke a hand punching was a Nazi who thought he was safe calling my friend the N word.
Damn you Memphis Belle for completing 25 missions.
Was Schindler's list a sad story in a completely different way for half the country?
They are spitting on their tombs.
Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism. Two Tone. The time of the NF and British Movement.
We knew nazis were scum then and have never forgotten it.
Bring 'em on. Been there and done it. Would love to again 🤣
Now it would be. "Let the commie kill your mommy." :0
So many people have no idea what war really is. It’s terrifying, its heartbreaking. Its not TV, it’s not a movie.
Its human blood and scraps of flesh, bones, everywhere.
And here I thought it was because they were bored of different takes on the same story but turns out they just didn't want to punch themselves
they gave us that slogan
"America First"
In March of 1959, George Rockwell founded the American Nazi Party and although somewhat public has still festered more in the secret societies that once again
I would think someone (MTG) will try to fly the swastika on the House floor before the year is out.
Goes beyond comprehension what WW2 soldiers feared when “Into the Jaws of death” fighting for Freedom. Juxtapose to MAGA’s Waving Trump Flags, Nazi Fascists Salutes/ Confederate Flags - disgusting beyond the pale…
It's coming; they're here; and it's time to find that same courage and advance.
17 year old me has NOT changed.
Absolutely dog shit for brains, lowlife rubes.