I saw Swifties as the only fanbase to come together to form Swifties4Kamala and do actual legwork—and on the night of your country's election results a lot of people blamed them and Taylor, and accused them as secret magas
After all that shit they got they can stick to stan wars for all I care
I do like to correct misinformation bc it tends to be used by people to excuse their own bigotry (if they think she is secretly maga then it’s ok that they are as well). I wish people would channel energy away from micro criticizing her, Travis, etc. and focus on what matters.
if you had told me 2 years ago id log onto THAT website to see swifties complaining about the super bowl, swifties complaining about other swifties reacting some type of way to the super bowl all the while elon musk is dismantling our country id be like WTF but also not surprised
After all that shit they got they can stick to stan wars for all I care
Even that dumbass knows she hates him. Imagine a braindead parasite being smarter than the average American
Swifties are better off riding just for her
Also, it has been for quite some time. Trump is just a symptom, not the cause.