I wouldn't be surprised if it's higher. It's not something they would tend to share freely. Police officers are unfortunately often very fragile and easily angered.
I have a very decent long term man in my life but sometimes...I fantasize...about living out...Y The Last Man. I mean really...or a planet of Amazon women who rule. I hope she gets away from him and has a new life somewhere safe. I wish that for all women.
Yeah, that as well.... I am also of the belief that 40-50% of right wing guns owners that oppose gun regulation most likely have a DV record in their past.
In Northumberland County, PA, there's a woman facing charges of unlawful recording after she used her phone to record an interaction with a man she believed had given her a date-rape drug and was going to assault her after refusing to drive her home and taking her somewhere else instead.
And of course he spent no time in jail as of the last I heard, which was shortly after a judge issued a gag order on the case because her friends were raising awareness on social media.
Really? You think disgusting misogyny only happens in Repug states?
I could probably find stats about your home state that would curl your toes.
It is everywhere and it is endemic
my mom was homeless for MONTHS bc my crazy step dad told police she threw coffee on him (she tripped and spilled her iced coffee on both of them i watched it happen) they arrested her and wouldn’t let her go back to her inherited home bc they said she had domestic violence charges
If they believe you… and that’s a big if… they can’t protect you… they can be anywhere you are.. and they call you 100 times in a day.. and nobody’s going to stop them… so yeah.. women don’t bother.. it’s just too much of a hassle .. relive me I know…
Same old song and dance. Nothing has changed and nothing ever will. Especially in these polarized times. Women don’t stand a chance now. (Nor have they ever really.)
Many years ago, I foolishly reported being raped. Police showed up at my workplace & decided that it was my fault. I realized immediately that men could basically could do anything they wanted to women. Sadder but wiser was I.
It is madness. And there are ways she might have been able to handle it so that she did not wind up in jail. Of course it also depends on where in Floriduh this happened.
There are going to be a lot more cases of domestic violence if Cheeto isn't removed from office. Women need to make a safety plan to escape, and document EVERYTHING! They'll need evidence for a restraining order for themselves and their children.
Women aren't believed. No matter the circumstances, it could be filmed & they'd still take the man's side. If you're a white male or a wealthy male, you can literally get away with rape, murder, abuse & they'll apologize to you for the inconvenience. After all, its still a man's world.
I see this obedience to their husbands all around me, absolutely no difference in political affiliation. I learned from a 85 year old that she and her 4 sisters were raised that way, after HS/college you look for a husband to have children to take care of. Love was never mentioned.
Having been a victim of domestic abuse, I think I would've 'disappeared' that gun & used it in self-defense. My dad used to say, "it's easier to explain to 12 then be carried out by six." Menendez defense: bang bang bang click click click don't reload. Horrible thing to say but 100% true
Because women aren’t believed. Even in the event of reporting a rape, the chambers of a conviction currently lie at 1.8%.
Let that sink in. Less than ONE in FIFTY rape reports result in ANY consequences for the rapist.
Now let some prick whine to me that it’s “not all men”™️
I'm not sure it's that they aren't believed as much as it is that the men in charge in cases like this are misogynistic assholes that think we deserve what we get.
I’ve seen the law at work. I know the levers of power. I masked as a “man” most of my life. I know how even the “good men” feel about women.
Let me repeat this stat. Rape reports result in convictions, ONE CASE out of FIFTY. Misogyny is the STANDARD not the exception. We are disposable to them
No no no, the easiest way to get away with it is to run them over. In NYC in 2018, only 8.6% of hit and run drivers were even arrested, let alone convicted
This is why the bail system is crap, too. She probably didn’t have bail money and he did. Poor people can sit in jail for weeks, or until the trial, on a nonviolent charge that folks with money could be out for in a day.
That’s also why women don’t report rape(including date rape). You’re not believed especially if you’ve had a few drinks, you’re discouraged by someone (your mother), you know them or put yourself in an unsafe situation. Then you wait too long and forget understanding; you’re done.
Sounds about right. Mine stalked, threatened and hunted us. It’s ok, though - the prosecutor explained to me after ex had multiple charges dropped & a slap on the wrist, that he had paid a very high price.
I could probably find stats about your home state that would curl your toes.
It is everywhere and it is endemic
This case, police responded, lady is bedridden, caretaker has guns all over. She begs police to stay, they tell the guy...nice gun, leave. She did not survive the night.
There's a lot of old news to review and this one sux (agreed!), but maybe provide some followup instead of implying this just happened?
Everywhere. Without exception.
I’ll go to jail for that !!
Let that sink in. Less than ONE in FIFTY rape reports result in ANY consequences for the rapist.
Now let some prick whine to me that it’s “not all men”™️
Let me repeat this stat. Rape reports result in convictions, ONE CASE out of FIFTY. Misogyny is the STANDARD not the exception. We are disposable to them
This is insane!