Yeah, I’ve even seen them perching in low branches of the wooded area behind our house.They probably would survive being thrown off a truck if it wasn’t moving too fast. But not a helicopter. Poor things.
Wild Turkeys can, you're right. Domestic turkeys produced for consumption most definitely can not due to their biology. They can't even survive on their own. :(
Turkeys Away, premiered not on Thanksgiving, but October 30th, 1978.
Based on true events from WKRP creator Hugh Wilson, who adapted the story from his days at WQXI in Atlanta. What you see on the show is what happened in real life, including the GM saying "I didn’t know turkeys couldn't fly,"
WQXI was THE AM station in Atlanta but afaik they never dropped turkeys from the sky—turkeys were thrown off a flatbed truck in a parking lot and I think that actually happened in Dallas before Jerry Blum, on whom Carlson was based, came to Atlanta.
He said it happened in Atlanta? Then I believe him. I think Blum’s son was the source of the Dallas story and I don’t know anyone in Atlanta who remembers it happening there but obviously Hugh would know.
not well but they can.
cement!” 😂
By the way, turkeys can fly. I have seen them fly. They just don't get very high off the ground.
Based on true events from WKRP creator Hugh Wilson, who adapted the story from his days at WQXI in Atlanta. What you see on the show is what happened in real life, including the GM saying "I didn’t know turkeys couldn't fly,"