Cautionary tale. Early one morning I heard more than the usual number of rustles & thumps so got up to investigate. One of our cats 🐈⬛ had brought in a live bat. 🦇 Rescuing the bat involved chasing it around the kitchen, 🤨while being chased by the culprit cat 🐈⬛ . Bat was saved, cat was puzzled.
You're lying down, you hear something in the distance, you snicker as you just imagine your cats being silly, there's a cat scream in the other room, and now you have to be their saviour
But when all the cats are in the same room as you & they hear the noise too. Shit gets real 😂 I have 3 & when they start looking at things that ain't there I get the heebies 😂
Also, there are times when there is an odd noise and both cats are sleeping on you. You look at them and see the look up and return to sleep reaction from skiddish kitty and know it wasn't a big deal and return to sleep.
With a cat, 4 large dogs, & my 3 20-something sons in my house I ignore pretty much everything…
If the smoke detector isn’t going off & I don’t hear sirens I’m sure it’s fine 🙃
Last thing I do before I go to bed is seek out and move anything that a cat might pull down, knock over, or climb into, in the dark that might freak her out in the night.
We have 2 cats and a dog. If I hear scary noises I look to the dog to make sure it’s not an intruder and to the cats to make sure it’s not ghosts. If all the pets keep sleeping, I know I’m safe. 🤣
I once stayed in the guest room of my aunt’s house, which was also the basement. Lights off at night means PITCH black. First night there, turned off the lights and heard something shift audibly under the bed. Heart STOPPED and I flicked it back on…to find a mildly irritated cat gazing into my soul
I’m gonna get murdered in my house one day between the cats, especially one who slams cabinets when he’s hungry, the Roomba, and the fish tank. I’ll never know they’re coming
If the smoke detector isn’t going off & I don’t hear sirens I’m sure it’s fine 🙃
Last thing I do before I go to bed is seek out and move anything that a cat might pull down, knock over, or climb into, in the dark that might freak her out in the night.