…populations + infrastructure can be targeted by antagonists during war; early preparations + planning help support wartime resilience; civil defence requires society to be adaptable + have endurance. Sweden🇸🇪 also recently updated its advice for civilians - see here: https://www.msb.se/en/advice-for-individuals/the-brochure-in-case-of-crisis-or-war/ 10/x
Thx for posting!
& it's not just trmp who worries me
Vnce has made some worrisome comments
He is ultra-religious & I think he'd be inclined to foist it on the public
& I suspect he'd implement most - if not all - of that 2025 crap...with a few of his own weird notions thrown in
fun times
Really like the messaging they put out.
Transfer those funds into building civil defence and resilience capacity.
The CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manuel may come in handy too. https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/the-art-of-simple-sabotage/?ref=404media.co