잘 지내시는가요 여러분
How have you been, everyone?
안부 묻기가 무색한 요즘이지만
Though these days, it feels awkward to even ask how you are
하루하루 보내고 보내고 하다보니
As I keep spending day after day*
*If translated for rhythm: Day by day, as I keep sending them off and sending them off
How have you been, everyone?
안부 묻기가 무색한 요즘이지만
Though these days, it feels awkward to even ask how you are
하루하루 보내고 보내고 하다보니
As I keep spending day after day*
*If translated for rhythm: Day by day, as I keep sending them off and sending them off
1 / 2
Before I knew it, it’s December—a full-fledged winter
4일 뒤면 입대 1년이 되는군요
In four days, it will have been a year since I enlisted
이번 크리스마스는 함께하지 못하고
I won’t be able to spend this Christmas with you
And even though I can only greet you through a documentary
항상 마음은 진심만은 곁에 함께하고 있다고 퍽 믿어주시고 느껴주셨으면 합니다
I truly hope you believe and feel that my heart is always sincerely by your side
제 욕심일런지요
Is this too much to ask?
Time is like that, and so are the many things that are unfolding
최근엔 멤버들과도 자주 통화하곤 합니다.
Lately I’ve also been having frequent (phone) conversations with the members.
Strangely enough, it feels like we’ve become a bit closer than when we lived and breathed together
이상하죠 삶이라는 게 참 그런가봐요
Isn’t it strange? Life, I guess, is really like that
이것 말고 다른 말에 힘이 있을까요
Other than this, would any words have more meaning?
I miss you. That’s just how it is
제 나름대로 이것저것 보고 읽고 쓰고 하며
In my own way, I’m watching, reading, and writing this and that
또 다가올 전역의 해를 준비하고 있습니다
Preparing for the year of my discharge that’s approaching
아직 좀 남았지만은
Though there’s still some time left
I want to spend 2025 a little more meaningfully
건강합시다! 아프면 서러우니까요 외로우니까요
Let’s stay healthy! Because it’s sorrowful to be unwell, and lonely too
I miss you
이 긴긴 겨울도 잘 뚫고 가보아요 하하하
Let’s make it through this long, long winter well—haha