They changed the algorithm for more traffic from followed accounts. They are trying to figure out the balance of see stuff you follow and find stuff you may have missed.
Little bit, yeah. Hoping it's just people busy with IRL things and giving the site time to breathe after the server issues. God knows there's no way I'm EVER going back to Twitter.
I didn't go back, just haven't been social media-ing today. Maybe that's a lot of people? Like we were all so excited to find a place online to be happy that we spent more time than usual online here and are experiencing a bit of fatigue from it?
At this point if this one fails I just won't be on social media as much. To distance myself from the bad one I've one by one been following people here, then unfollowing them there so there won't be anything there for me.
Nah. I think things were a bit glitchy for some folk the past 24 hours so between people having issues with posts and comments not working and a few hiccups in loading… I think it’s just a mild day on here.
On the other hand, I get very little engagement regardless, so “quiet” is pretty consistent. No different here…