They're all twisted up usually. Generally speaking, it starts with general disdain/disgust which is taught to them by peers, then when they grow, they realize that they need to rationalize their irrational notions, then they develop weird justifications for something that cannot be justified.
Anyone who hates on sex workers! Just, makes no sense to me, to hate on another human being for their chosen place of work. That would require me hating every single lawyer, every single insurance company sales and payment worker and so forth.
I see it occasionally in civ friends when they talk about others in SW. Then they look at me like, "But not you though, I totally respect the way YOU do it" .... do ya really, Brenda?
like... do these idiots understand they are literally just reiterating conservative propaganda? like... this was a conservative psyop to make young people completely puritanical and they all fell for it and won't believe that that's the case. 💀
wanting to ban porn and ban sex workers from using social media is what the trumpies want! you literally do not sound any different from them right now, rebecca!!!! may as well go buy a maga hat and go full bigot!!!
Notice how the mammon's lockstepping cyborgs lumped all those people into one 'dehumanized' category?
That's because mammon's eugenic cyborg army is attempting to abolish & eradicate Mankind's sex instinct.
George Orwell warned you all!