wrote a blogpost on using Linear Programming for ummm. dont worry about it . just read the post :3
tbh i could calculate the optimal build at all levels, and then decide at what level im aiming to hit my powerspike
Optimizing league builds mathematically is kind of a doomed endeavour for actual play though anyway. Like there was a fucking lethality AD kai'sa build a while back. ?? But i guess it was good
Wait, is this a trick to make my brain bigger?
Oh nice use case for LP!
I wonder if other optimal builds are covered 🤔 what if I restrict the solver to only use up to 2 items of the 3 in the optimal build…
Oh nice, the author is talking about it!
Exercise for the reader?! NOOOO!
Thanks for sharing!
Do you have any other such posts you'd recommend?
if you mean posts including other people's, i can't say any cool ones off the top of my head, but https://lobste.rs/ usually has a few
Thanks for sharing.