check if your psk/psa import is set to skel(eton) only and put it on all if so
the dwight torso looks like this for me when i import with it set on all and i can hide the bones by clicking on the down arrow and unchecking Bones under the Objects section
yea after I googled the error its a verion confliction problem.. the import PSK addon is outdated because blender removed some setting or other in 4.1 ill redownload and get back to you, thank you for the help talking me through my boiling rage
yeah i saw the 4.3 in the screenshot and went hold a minute... you should be good to follow the rest of the video. it took me a HOT MINUTE to figure that out when i started
the dwight torso looks like this for me when i import with it set on all and i can hide the bones by clicking on the down arrow and unchecking Bones under the Objects section
go under betas and select v3.6 - Stable - LTS
it might be bc you're on version 4.3 but i personally only use 3.6 because it's the one that i have the most experience with the addons
the tutorial that helped me the most was eefernal's @