I don't think she has much choice. He is parading him around in spite of her. She has been supposedly fighting to see her kid, Elon is not allowing it. I hope she understands her horrible mistake.
Typical that we would start blaming a woman. Senate , Congress, the courts & millions of Americans have been unable to stop him from all of his anarchy & you think Grimes can stop him from using his son?
They are locked in a very contentious custody battle, which she has commented on extensively. I doubt she has much choice about the situation so how about not shaming her and placing the blame where it lies, on him? He’s the one doing the parading.
That's kinda what I've been thinking.. like what are her options when dealing with a psycho like him.. the retaliation she would face if she went against him..
(Total normal parenting names to bestow upon your kids, btw.)
Hard to tell those little rascals apart!