Looks like our Hispanic friends are showing us the way. I would love to join them. Anything happening in Phoenix I'm with you, as are many Americans. Let's us know when and where. It's time to take it to the streets America.
Regardless of which political party you identify with, or be you completely uninterested, activity of this type (blocking freeways, streets, etc.) Is not productive to anyone, and has NO positive outcome. Doesn't surprise me you support this. "Great to see"?
In other words, you want the "protests" off somewhere where where they won't inconvenience anybody and everyone can ignore them the same way people like you ignore poverty and racism. Got it.
The problem is, they're doing it in a place where they're preaching to the choir. The protests need to shut down red cities in red states; not trying to raise awareness amongst people who already agree with you.
There was a similar protest in Seattle. Where is the MSM reporting?