It's time I introduced Bluesky to my favorite Final Fantasy 7 Glitch. Anyone can do this on the original PS1 copy.
Swapping to Disc 2 early, prior to entering the Ropeway to the Golden Saucer for the first time, leads to this amazing FMV + Music combo.
Swapping to Disc 2 early, prior to entering the Ropeway to the Golden Saucer for the first time, leads to this amazing FMV + Music combo.
I swapped disc 2 during the opening bombing mission once, and instead of exploding, the reactor turned into Sapphire Weapon! 😆
Following for this alone!
All 3 discs of FF7 have the same game data. The unique factor is the FMVs. When a cutscene plays it looks for that numbered FMV on the disc. By swapping discs before a cutscene, it pulls the corresponding number on THAT disc resulting in this.