Saving turtle crossings should be ear marked. It’s a good idea, we’ve taken a lot of area away from them, they share our world, they deserve some ear marks.
Earmarks are a primary mechanism to build consensus among diverse interests, the process is not inherently corrupt and should not be demonized... The politicians who abuse the process should
You just nailed it, it benefits the representatives constituents, representing their constituents is not corrupt? Abusing a system for personal gain is corrupt would you not agree?
I believe that whole heartedly I believe a lot of people voted for Trump because they were not informed. Didn’t research didn’t care etc. Digging into what bs Trump and crew have been doing I’m happy to say that I am learning more and enjoy doing so and it helps keep the fatalism at bay
Steve Bannon said Musk won them the election.( by using his X to put forth disinformation into the right place at the right time. And to hyper focus on battleground states and misrepresent democratic intentions.)
Don’t buy a Tesla.