The cure is here. Execute those that have violated their oath. Execute those that willingly and gainfully commit corruption within the government. Eliminate and outlaw monopolies and mergers. Put a cap on bonuses that management can earn and stop incentivising treating workers like slaves.
Been mulling this point over a lot lately. There were at least a couple of previous and perhaps bad ideas thrown about as my memory resigns to oblivion due to age, but at present, I can only recall one...
Greed isn't something that's going to go away too soon, so maybe a direct barter system might be something to look into because with future AI, the block-chain threat seems quite real.
It's just.. At this point, all ideas need to be tossed on the board.
Tossing on the board:
Treat people like crap and we end up with a range of mental issues, greed being one of them.
Tax the rich until their eyes bleed and reduce their assets.
Or eat them - to set an example for others of like mind
Bring kindness and joy back into schools and child care
That ponzi needs to stop. As does the AI ponzi and the Mars one, all go the way of the hyper loop ponzi.
The additional CO2 emissions added to the rocketing methane may well kill us before the oligarchs do
It's just.. At this point, all ideas need to be tossed on the board.
Treat people like crap and we end up with a range of mental issues, greed being one of them.
Tax the rich until their eyes bleed and reduce their assets.
Or eat them - to set an example for others of like mind
Bring kindness and joy back into schools and child care
The additional CO2 emissions added to the rocketing methane may well kill us before the oligarchs do