Eeeeverybody needs to get informed, organized, and active asap before it’s too late 👇 know the agenda so you can counter it, spread the word and get ready for more
Eight times so far I have been out carrying a "NOBODY voted for MUSK" sign. Most of the traffic going buy gives me the thumbs up, so maybe there is hope.
When the nazis invaded, that was the day they lost the war They all cheered at the of his speech This was also in celebration of the October revolution when lenin finally won against the tyranny of Nicholas Romanov freeing the oppressednBringing them into the 20th century
The reason why the Dem Senators are going to vote for the CR today, enabling the Nazis to legitimately destroy your country, is because YOU didn't resist seriously. If you don't do it the moment the Dem Senators betray you today, it's over. Adn you did it to yourselves.
Some people didn’t get the memo that “secret policing” #gangstalking is NAZI #STOP702 #STOPCOPCITY it’s cops newest favorite thing to lie about now! ACAB = ACAB
The same knot as seeing a Trump 2024 flag, multiplied exponentially by the sheer number of them seen before the election that told us approximately how many Nazis live among us.
Trump flags are all over the rural area I live in. I would have thought with the current mess Trump has made they'd take the flags down from embarrassment. Nope, lol.
In a bit less than 3.5 years time, Trump's corpse will be heard (fake) announcing that he got an amazing result, 99.999% of the vote and then someone will wheel him back into the freezer, for another 4 years.
Don't forget to include members of the SPINELESS Russian Republican GOP Communist Party who could CARE LESS about the Working Middle Class and the Disadvantage Population and only cater to the Wealthy and Oligarchy Community. NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN
Red alert! This is not a drill! It's not a movie. It's not a miniseries on Netflix. America has been seized by a group of fascists referring to themselves as Republicans. Donald Trump is the new Hitler. He is a puppet of Putin. The end is near if people don't awaken immediately.
Because tRump is a Nazi, he’ll certainly put his daughter and her family in an extermination camp, because they’re Jewish!😔 Also, he’s going to confiscate the millions of guns from the LGBTQ+ community, like Hitler did to the Jews in the 30’s….😢
When the nazis invaded, that was the day they lost the war They all cheered at the of his speech This was also in celebration of the October revolution when lenin finally won against the tyranny of Nicholas Romanov freeing the oppressednBringing them into the 20th century
#resistance #protest #50501movement #fucktheking #fuckmusk