It's a cliche, but it bears repeating: color does not matter. Neither does gender. That's why the black woman who went against the white man in the the recent American election should have won. In the US, IMO color does matter. If you're black or not white, there are racists who take that to account
100%! We are all humans... interconnected together as one. People just need to reMEMBER that aspect. Love each other unconditionally. Stop judging, fighting and fearing each other. Everyone has something to contribute. History has shown: diversity makes us all strong! Believe in interconnectedness!
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
They need to be incarcerated...
~Ramana Maharshi
On this little blue planet💙
They do look human.