I’ve gone from being a neutral person to an anti religion person. Thanks to the slavish following by them for trump. Very few care about those less fortunate than them. It’s all a grab for money and power!
No, my pastor does not ask me money for.
The search I do my tidings, which I've done since I've been a child. But my pastor is my spiritual guidance. He believes in me, and he welcomes the LGBTQI community.
It's always been about money even though christ himself threw the money grabbers out of the temple? They paid to kill him because he interrupted their money flow. Similar to what MUX is doing to our country. And trump is doing under threat of the Russian Mafia.
Any god worth her salt would not be swayed by someone such as myself. If they were then I would sell my influence like a politician dealing with lobbyists.
Pervasive throughout our society is the Christian idea that we are inherently evil and can only be motivated through punishment or bribery and extortion. I reality we all start out good and are motivated by empathy & encouragement. Our whole society has been traumatized by the idea of original sin.
Religion got us into the mess with the tangerine tyrant. We may hay to purge the world of religion simply so smart informed people are placed in charge instead of charlatans and grifters. Religious people can't see through them.
Solution: if your pastor or preacher has a garage that holds more than two cars, his own private jet plane, and has a house that's six times the size of a normal dwelling, STOP putting money in that collection plate! Stop funding evil!
I set the bar considerably lower than you do. If your pastor maintains a better lifestyle than the average in his flock, maybe he's not the moral leader you need.
If you should tell a clergy member that they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk, you will be ostracized, chastised, and soundly reprimanded.
Religion gives god a bad name.
Gullible is the correct word for them. Not kind. It’s like saying there are ethical billionaires. There are no kind religious people. Only evil, and gullible.
I denounced christianity when American evangelical & christian leadership endorsed trump. I haven't been to church since covid bc of chronic autoimmune illness. My faith is strong, I follow Jesus Christ & I study almost daily. What I know is, the GOP is not conservative or christian. Just liars.💙🇺🇸
Home churching my children was the best decision I ever made. Their college savings accounts got all the money that would have been wasted in the collection plate.
A major reason billions still subscribe to supernatural mythology as fact, in an age of plentiful news and science, is because humans are cognitive misers (academia-speak for intellectually lazy).
Groups (eg: religion) tend to be a heuristic (mental shortcut or substitute) for intellectual effort.
Religion is the longest running con in human history.
Imagine where we'd be as a species if our attention and resources weren't being wasted on the pointless worship of unobtanium, aka "eternal life," and instead, we were focused on saving the planet... from ourselves.
"... he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise,... somehow just can't handle MONEY!" - G. Carlin
Irony ...or hypocrisy?
But either way a tale as old as time...
The search I do my tidings, which I've done since I've been a child. But my pastor is my spiritual guidance. He believes in me, and he welcomes the LGBTQI community.
Religion is what holds humans back
Religion gives god a bad name.
Groups (eg: religion) tend to be a heuristic (mental shortcut or substitute) for intellectual effort.
Imagine where we'd be as a species if our attention and resources weren't being wasted on the pointless worship of unobtanium, aka "eternal life," and instead, we were focused on saving the planet... from ourselves.
They are all a lie one way or another
They ALL provide nothing that can't be better provided for,
So miss me with any charity bullshit