Gonna be real candid for a moment, not having child friendly queer media as a queer child with unsupervised internet access was what introduced me to boku no pico at the tender age of 10. And children are even more online and even less supervised than they were in the early 2000s
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Blue sky nice guy
Losers, dorks, losers
Shit like this makes me so fucking angry smh😡
though rather than boku no pico, my exposure was a lot of gender bending anime that was kinda aimed more at 13-14 yr olds (by early 2000s standards) while i was 11. it seeded my genderfluid egg but yeah that kind of unsupervised access is more prominent now adays
Little me was so desperate for queer shows...
So anyway, teenage me searched “girls kissing girls” a lot to some very lascivious results.
Was the only thing for my age group that was ment to be queer
& even the US dub couldn't get rid of it all
But yeah that had me tralling through a lot of porn to find actually kid friendly queer media🤦