“The main question I was looking to answer when I started reading Hegseth’s collected works was whether he would follow a Trump command to shoot peaceful protesters. After having read them, I don’t think he would even wait for the order.”
He's in the process of purging anyone from the military who might push back, and filling their spots with followers who would die for him.
Same as he'll do with civil service employers except the stakes are higher with this guy
Evidently the generals have to go. Too much independent thinking and concern for laws.
A merciless brute who'll do what's necessary, on paper only of course. A tough guy who'll bend the rules a little, but only for the very best reasons.
He embodies who trump is speaking to when he snarls, "Get'em outta here!" The kapo
But do you think he's more dangerous than Tulsi Gabbard as DNI? I think if she's confirmed, the US will have no secrets from Russia, and probably find a lot of our allies declining to share intelligence with us. :/
Let's see what happens if women were to be shot in the streets...
Trumputin admin
"the Holocaust was perpetrated by “German socialists.”"?
If he wrote that in his book this man needs dealing with properly before he can get any modicum of power. Along with anyone that would nominate him.
The q and qanon psyop was used to harvest these rape/violence losers.
Ya, nope
He took her phone.
He blocked the hotel room door.
TFG is insane & acts the part. We haven’t made a mistake
I’m a Detective & it’s easy for me to see, even though most see only what they want to see
We are all going to pay for their ignorance
Most of all-innocent children will be harmed-
God help us all 🙏
(Bloody Sunday, 1905)
B) How did you manage to get through all his books w/o losing your mind?
The BIG question:
Will the Guard or Active Duty military “open fire!” Asking for the Kent State victims.
I hate being wrong about this a lot more than I hate admitting it.
We are finished.