Dissenting from the 5-4 win for POTUS in Zivotofsky v Kerry in 2015, Roberts strongly opposed letting Obama’s State Dept defy Congress’s command in foreign affairs — even when the power of the purse wasn’t at stake. In today’s suit against Trump’s State Dept, it is.
but the “main problem”
is the 77 million mostly white
and Christian evangelical nationalists
& alt-right types,“voters” from the rural red hinterland and Fox News
that are “responsible” for Trump’s deconstructing of the American way of life.
Trump is not the “main problem”.
Money and power.
That's it.
Day 2 of my series, The Titans Collide, out later today..
I don’t know which he will choose.
Fear is also an evil advisor. It leads to political propaganda, a lack of social cohesion, xenophobia, transphobia, and more.
What were and are these MAGAS afraid of?
Hell of a basis for democracy.