“The Trumpists are no longer in their majesty. They control the executive, the Parliament, the Supreme Court and social networks. But in American history, the freedom fighters have always prevailed. They are beginning to raise their heads.” — Claude Malhuret, to the French Senate (March 4, 2025).
Boycott as many right wing business as possible. Don’t buy products made in right wing states.
we should welcome them bc they have that ACUTE anger & that is helpful fighting fascists!
And we're pissed off and mad as hell!
I can not wait to do something besides, pissed on social media
Freedom fighters of America are just planning and have not mobilized but it is coming
I am afraid of civil war but expect it did you see how hard it was to remove him once
Save money
It's going to be a HOT summer!
it gets tiring
one nazi complains..."you can't turn your back..."
Democracy Is Under Siege Globally. Canada Is Being Tested
How the well-honed playbook for whipping up authoritarian populism is being employed here and around the world.
Michael Harris 5 Apr 2024The Tyee
Under Trump,the White House Medical Unit was “like the Wild West,” and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives rources tell Rolling Stone
By Noah Shachtman, Asawin Suebsaeng
March 3, 2024
Churchill was right - we are exceedingly lazy and stupid.
For Trump minions and collaborators - criminal and civil immunity for coup collaborators who testify against Trump and minions.
For former Trump supporters (not collaborators) - we understand how it feels to be lied to. Welcome aboard.
As this dictatorship tumbles along, everyone regardless of hat color will be harmed. When red hats have had enough, they need somewhere to go.
Nice to hear from you that they remember. Thanks for all you are doing.
Hat’s off to the lawyers with conscience and who understand the necessity of the rule of law as a guardrail to constitutional democracy.
Should bozo go, the cult goes. My guess is they will fade back into the woodwork. Money and dirty tricks will still be there, but not as effective. Not sure how - health, frustration, or..
Where is the educational awareness creating system failing?
Isn't it because it is a copy and paste system, from the very beginning, even before any school has been visited?
We must be resilient in our resolve.
Merci beaucoup, Sénateur! Well said!
This could have all been prevented. DOJ should be asking itself a lot of hard questions now that they've been fired.