The crucial role of the Navajos in breaking the codes of the Axis powers in WWII is being erased from the archives and military websites by Trump & Co.
Too “DEI” to acknowledge, it seems.
All in a day’s work for a newbie dictator.
It’s worth the effort to believe truth will triumph in the end
Too “DEI” to acknowledge, it seems.
All in a day’s work for a newbie dictator.
It’s worth the effort to believe truth will triumph in the end
They are now trying to erase Black history.
We cannot allow it. Native and Black history is American history.
Teach it.
Same with women and BIPOC. The history books of the future will be whitewashed.
We might need to sneak them into libraries in a year.
the Resistance can safely use Navajo code when the Revolution starts?
I wasn’t aware that they were into code breaking too.
It is only a question of how much damage they do before it's over, and how much it costs the survivors to fix things.
It no longer represents anything of its original meaning.
The code breaking of the German Enigma machine was Alan Turing and others. While the Japanese codes were broken by the U.S. Navy.
The coded messages were additionally encrypted; a double-layer of protection.
Apologies for the pedantry.
The bad news: The GOP will find another demagogue to seduce voters.
describe level of psychosis of trump
What will it take to stop these criminals from obliterating our country as we know it? Our archives? Our historical documents?
This dictator doesn’t believe in our country the way I do. He doesn’t speak for me.
Mad King Donald I . . .
The 4th Reich began at noon on Jan 20, 2025 in Washington, DC . . .
f’ing reprehensible
Jewish contributions to the World War II effort will be erased.
Atomic bomb was developed by Dr. Robert MacGyver.
Meanwhile I'm at a loss of what to do to help.
Trump is a segregationist