But it's clean and quite powerful. Hydrogen fuel for rockets is probably a better idea than Space-X's fuel solution which includes kerosene. Hydrogen is the fundamental "fuel source" for fusion reactors, and I certainly hope that gets developed soon. I stand corrected, it can be a fuel too.
If you need to spend $100 on solar panels and $100 on batteries to get the same energy storage as $10,000 for hydrogen then you’re wasting $9,800 just because you want to intentionally use a stupid gas to do something that other options perform better at.
If you need to spend $100 on solar panels and $100 on batteries to get the same energy storage as $10,000 for hydrogen then you’re wasting $9,800 just because you want to intentionally use a stupid gas to do something that other options perform better at.
So no - hydrogen is not clean.