Hey shiny hunters, please show me your favorite(s) shiny pokemon you've caught and I may draw them for the next few days :)
Diamond the Carbink, my first ever shiny, caught in Sun from Poké pelago
Lightbulb the Floatzel, the first shiny I got in Legends Arceus and she’s an alpha
Widow the Yveltal, first soft reset hunt I tried (in Ultra Moon) and got it under odds (around 300 encounters)
The sound that came out my mouth 😆 🤣
Chatot - This was my second full odds Chatot - Made a deal to release my first one & rehunt it.
Spiritomb was my first hunt to break 10K, at 10,254
Grafaiai was my first hunt in SV.
Ray is my first hunted legendary at 104 encounters.