MAGAs say the libs and their cities are at war with Christmas
NYC says hold out beer:
NYC says hold out beer:
They don't know what they're talking about
I'm not even from the US and I'm tired of it.
🖕 for canceling the Christmas light show 😡
given that the commercialization of Christmas is actually about as anti-Christian as you can be…
I would hope that MAGA’s would want a quiet, Santa free, Christmas, dedicated to prayer and service to others, especially in the cold winter, which is really the only “Christian” thing to do.
We should declare war on the commercialization of Christmas and have a Christmas of Service.
An advent Calendar of 25 acts of service.
Don’t give gifts to friends, give housing and food to strangers, just like Jesus did, right?
As a born and raised NYC girl, I'd like to give you all the Double NY Salute, and tell you ALL to SDASTEFUA. There's a REASON why we're KNOWN as THE MELTING POT, you imbeciles😊
We thank you for the contribution to our economy... and please go f**k yourselves.