Amusing, everyone that tells me im being a bad boy then tells me they havent listened to the VoD and jump to conclusions. So much compassion you people show ;)
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As someone with no stakes in the drama (aside from being a smaller artist staring down the barrel of the AI apocalypse) that watched it anyway because I value the words of more experienced artists I want to thank you for making that VoD
I'm not someone you know but I want to chime in anyway (cont.)
since I believe you deserve more than just the many negative voices this kind of thing attracts.
You definitely came across as incredibly kind and compassionate and your explanation of personal growth and what makes each one's art unique was something I really needed to hear in these times
Its sort of shocking if you think about it. They seem to not care about artists who been in this commuinity for over a decade, nor want to listen to them when AI probably affects their work the most.
"pOpUfUr BAD, small following artist GOOD" is some people's whole personality no matter what that smaller following artist does (tracing, "photobashing" or whatever).
Often times just speaking up for yourself (as Null has) gets you flamed for "punching down" or whatever. You can't win with some.
The drama circuit moves fast so people will get over it and hopefully grow. But yeah, your VOD explains your PoV very clearly and anyone that isn't already geared up against you for "POPULARITY" reasons can see that.
Hope you don't lose too much more sleep over it man.
listening to it you explained yourself and the situation well. i think with the length and the fact some people will never budge on what they think you'll still encounter this but you've done what you could putting this out and now moving forward
I’ve yet to watch your VOD so I’ve kept from formulating an opinion, but regardless of whether I agree with your reasoning, you absolutely do not deserve harassment.
It’s disappointing how many people throw away their “compassionate” mindset anytime it’s challenging for them to be compassionate.
I was really hoping the situation would be tied-up neatly with the most recent statements from everyone involved, but I guess it’ll take a bit of time for everything to settle.
I don't know who started it, but public drama invariably leads to harassment, oftentimes things like this happen specifically because someone wants someone else harassed. I get why some people take the stance they do but the affected parties have definitely handled this with appropriate care.
I'm curious about one part where you start talking about artists that use 3D as part of their process. That's a completely fine and professional usage of 3D, and using shortcuts when working on artwork is inherantly part of what professional art is about.
Yes it totally is! I didnt want to make the case it wasnt. Id like to do maybe a little QA if anything I said sparks questions like that. It was 2 hours of me talking so theres a couple places I should have expanded on. Like me with the horse ref I never went back to!
The wildest part about this is how everyone's framing this as big artists picking on little learning artist. Guys, he's doing this for years and has been popular for years, and the reason why this blew up as it did is because he's well connected.
kinda its depends on what you are majoring but they teach things like using photobashing and using it in art and a lot what I am seeing is people saying its bad to use and shouldn't be using it but usually people who say things like this are usually self taught artist, which is why I am curious
Photobashing it typically used in landscape work. You need a cliff edge and a forest to complete your pic? People dont expect you to paint every crack and ridge in the rock, nor every tree. You photobash to give yourself a noisey canvas to then work into.
Photobashing is not used to collage together other peoples artworks to then make a new reference to directly work from.
Ai causes a rift in this divide because it is both everyones work and also no ones. It can be genned to look like me, but it is not mine. So collaging gens of me is still... ehhh
But I've seen and worked with people who do that...and a few classes that teach to use it like that that but yes the AI part is a no but using or referencing other peoples works like that a few classes teach to use it like that
People are reactionary and have no real interest in investing any amount of time into the issues they react to most of the time. It's a shamefully human thing. From major issues to personal grievances, if it's not THEIR LIFE specifically, they take the quickest glance, decide a stance, and done.
Unless they make a hobby out of it, in which case y'know.. theres no telling. I see some folks literally just picking fights and stirring shit everywhere they can to the point it has to be for fun right? It's the only reason I can imagine constantly warring with proclaimed "popufurs" on social media
Lots of people don’t like to listen to something long, lots of people don’t like to read/view something long. A lot people prefer something minimal/short with visuals which in this particular case, is hard to pull off without explanation. I think you explained yourself as best as you could!
Honestly they're missing out, your video was wonderful. It's was really informative, empathetic, honest and fair. If I can learn a lot from it then everyone can.
I only skimmed through the VOD but I did listen to a few points as well as saw loads of posts and I think you did a good job with your criticisms, even if some criticisms to me seemed like reaches, I thought they were valid and understandable, and I appreciate how polite you've been with this :).
I think you and Rou could've worked this out wonderfully, which makes it such a shame this all exploded because people still don't know basic human decency to not harass, or dox, or make catty vague posts with thinly-veiled threats. I can only hope after this we go back to thriving lol.
Man, its hard to please that crowd because they expect you to do the "right" thing. I've watched your vod, and I could tell that your concerns were genuine and with no malicious intent. Compound with your responses from the doc and Rou's response to the situation, you've absolutely done what you can
But people expect, idk "more" on your response. I don't really know what. You've held accountability to the situation steadfast and yet, to them, its not enough. Do they want you to be disingenious and be groveling about it, some might imply yes. Its harsh but they can't wrap their mind around the-
Idea that people respond differently to others. And with how the drama started, it really doesn't help and only serve to put more fuel to the fire. Nor do they want to admit what they've done is wrong since they've unconsciously put themselves on a pedestal that makes them morally better
It would also be healthy to realize that perhaps they dont need to have a vocal opinion on things. We all are guilty of that sometimes. But for me, Rous work hurt people I care about, it hurts the community, and it hurts my profession, hence I was passionate
The thing hubby and I liked the most in the text document breakdown was the "four kimonos" section. He's not an art guy and I'm an amateur who draws penises on the bathroom wall at your local bar, so it was a pretty cool, specific *artistic process* highlight most people just don't even know about.
I haven't even gotten there yet! I think that deserves to be said, there is PLENTY in the text document which demonstrates art techniques I couldn't even begin to remember to employ in my own work, plus y'know the take a shot for six fingers normal to this genre of analysis. People are actually dumb
Hubby had looked at the "progress" pictures examples and we both had a giggle.
I know exactly one person who will do like, the head all uprendered digitally then work outward from it, and they've not made digital art for plural years since their process is so inefficient.
I'm not someone you know but I want to chime in anyway (cont.)
You definitely came across as incredibly kind and compassionate and your explanation of personal growth and what makes each one's art unique was something I really needed to hear in these times
You also need a community that wants to support people who deserve it.
But nah, its mr popufurs fault ;3
Often times just speaking up for yourself (as Null has) gets you flamed for "punching down" or whatever. You can't win with some.
Hope you don't lose too much more sleep over it man.
It’s disappointing how many people throw away their “compassionate” mindset anytime it’s challenging for them to be compassionate.
Ai causes a rift in this divide because it is both everyones work and also no ones. It can be genned to look like me, but it is not mine. So collaging gens of me is still... ehhh
I have been seeing the situation unfold, it was something of interest. I thought it best to listen than to jump the gun in any direction.
And you come across very clearly.
I hope people get positives from
Absolute backwards thinking.
The “little guy” isn’t instantly right
this whole situation got out of hand insanely fast and its quite unfortunate
I know exactly one person who will do like, the head all uprendered digitally then work outward from it, and they've not made digital art for plural years since their process is so inefficient.