Yesterday I sold another 300kg of books into the trade. I need to downsize
I expect most will be pulped. Rare but dated and I was upset throwing them in the bulk bins.
Some published by the million but so many are gone.
I am not alone as this collection of 30 year old comics needs a new home
I expect most will be pulped. Rare but dated and I was upset throwing them in the bulk bins.
Some published by the million but so many are gone.
I am not alone as this collection of 30 year old comics needs a new home
Reposted from
Hey #academicsky - I have this big collection of US political comics from the 90s.
It's a treasure trove of cultural history, but no libraries here in Australia interested.
Looking for suggestions or people who want it. Will ship it to wherever.
Share, DM or reply with leads please? Thanks!
It's a treasure trove of cultural history, but no libraries here in Australia interested.
Looking for suggestions or people who want it. Will ship it to wherever.
Share, DM or reply with leads please? Thanks!
(Or at least don't buy books even at rock bottom prices.)
Books are heavy and the postage charges and packaging efforts put me off ebay
However I still have my complete collection of readers digest condensed books.
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