Most people are familiar with the 1966 Aberfan disaster where a slag heap slipped down the hill and into a primary school killing 116 children.
Less well known is the flood disaster at this primary school in 1910.
Here is a view looking up the hill to the school which was flooded from above
Less well known is the flood disaster at this primary school in 1910.
Here is a view looking up the hill to the school which was flooded from above
It was later abandoned due to water ingress.
They made a small hole which gushed water and soon over 800,000 gallons of water broke through.
Adam street houses took the full force.
Look beyond the bottom yellow covered scaffold pole to see the school roof
Sadly three children died and two adults. Follow the blue arrows on the map to see the water flow.
One adult died after blood poisoning from ruptured sewage pipes.