What I alluded to is that it's the victors who write the "official" history ... and I hope to hell Russia, their stooge trvmp and his enabling maga-fauxChristians are not the victors.
Exactly correct! It can also get worse if Trump decides invading another ally, like Canada, might improve his numbers. He likes to throw around the term "World War III", which, if it happens will be his fault and all those that support him.
Can’t be sure we’ll have any real history books in the future. Between right wing “alternate” history and AI written history, how will kids know what’s true and what’s fabricated? And if they don’t know, they won’t care. Turns out the dystopian books and movies are really instruction manuals.
Benedict Arnold is finally off the hook, there is now a new TOP TRAITOR in American history, and his fucking name is
great legacy you have placed upon your family name. You and your family deserve everything that is coming your way.
That will happen only after we get Trump and his gaggle of malevolent morons out of office and into prison. They are traitors and we must get rid of them.
👍. But will America still exist as a Democracy to print those books? Each election for the next four years is in question. SCOTUS Six are now like Joe Rogan, saying stupid shit for a living.
I think that meme is from his first term (or it could apply to his first term) and despite that was elected to serve a second term. This is what needs to studied - the failure of the American people to punish him for treason the first time.
How does that work? He isn’t doing anything new. The population has had 4 years to judge a Trump administration and chose him again. You can’t betray a country that is 36% ambivalent, 31% against you and 32% in favor. 90% of the population isn’t paying attention right now.
After Donald Trump and J.D. Vance’s recent diplomatic debacle with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, I thought it might be helpful to contrast the current administration’s approach with that of President Jimmy Carter:
MAGA dont care
Their infamy will be published in every single school textbook forevermore.
great legacy you have placed upon your family name. You and your family deserve everything that is coming your way.
he's already made his Epstein rapes disappear.
the evidence of his crimes while in office will be destroyed, too.
that's what despots do.
A firing squad awaits him
He‘s restructuring the army and the FBI.
If you don’t catch up Putin will be the winner.
And the entire 🐔💩🐔GOP enablers with him.
What a treasonous bastard.