I have a job offer for admiral McRaven. Summon all the navy seals, green berets, delta force and remove this cancer and their acolytes for treason, as you Mr. McRaven swore to protect and defend the constitution and not a, want to be dictator. #RemoveTrump #CriminaTrump
The President of The United States of America Donald J. Trump Stands With Russian and Putin.
Republican Senators and Members of The House Do You And The People Who Represent Stand With Russian and Putin?
It drives me crazy that Trumpers will never see this. Most have no idea his own former cabinet members warned against putting him in office again. They don't see what we see, and even if they do hear something, they don't believe it. I want billboards and tv commercials from now until next election.
That Admiral is the embodiment of leadership and our democracy. I knew he would speak up. Like Gen Millie he has integrity. To bad others like Mattis, McMasters, & Kelly dont speak up.
We need the United Nations to put peacekeepers in Eastern Ukraine. Call it a demilitarized zone like Korea for a while. Then hold peace talks using neutral parties to broker a treaty. It has to come from the UN.
Republican Senators and Members of The House Do You And The People Who Represent Stand With Russian and Putin?
And I would add: ... so far!
Because he's not done yet.
He won't leave on his own.