In my small town in northern nevada, almost everybody voted for this. Probably sixty percent of my coworkers also voted for this. I hate this fucking state.
Except they ultimately did when they went to his rallies and voted for him. They clung to every bit of his word vomit because they believe everything he says. They are not very educated.
40 years of right wing propaganda stuck in a Faux noise feedback loop. Shiny object deflection for simpletons. Never facts, never journalism, nothing but “entertainers”. Blame the other, don’t read and listen to the carnival barker. People are always stupid, now they’re a special kind of Stoopid.
A person who should receive a Nobel price
What a great journalist
What a great person
I would give up my left arm just to meet her.
What a great person
What a great human
What a great journalist
What do you think?