When the convicted felon is the president, these bozos are ok. They will always be incompetent and mediocre. Third-rate president has a fourth rate employee. The convicted felon employs stupid people. America is going downhill faster and faster. The convicted felon is driving it. Game over America.
Trump has made treason and sadism normal. He has normalized corruption, treachery, sadism, racism, injustice, dehumanization, segregation, anti society, insanity, cannibalism, ethnic cleansing, lying, misinformation, fraud and cruelty. For his peers and supporters this IS normal. Normal for THEM.
Sen. Duckworth on FoxNews said, "Hegseth should resign. He said the drones will hit & 30 min later a 2nd sortie of F-18s will hit the target. That told the enemy the exact spot. Where the drones hit, that's where our pilots were in danger and I worry about future missions."
Project 2025 says to use signal chat bc the texts can be deleted which is a way to get around complying with FOIA requests. IOW, they escape accountability. Were it not that Goldberg was included, would we even know about this? How much more other sensitive, classified info was put out there?
Totally off subject...but doesn't Tulsi Gabbards little 'jheri curl' (or whatever it's called) harken back to the Hunger Games?
I could be 'I do not recalling' correctly...but that's what it reminds me of.
At some point, we, as Democrats, will inevitably turn the blame back onto ourselves. In this case it's a little justified blaming the Dems who voted in favor of approving any of these people for cabinet positions.
They all would be fired for knowingly conducting official government business involving highly classified information and decision making via a totally unsecured third party chat app, bypassing all recording of official communications and accountability, all of this being totally illegal
If we want our original normalcy back, we’re going to have to take it back ourselves. No one in government is going to do this for us. It is now on us.
Normality is no longer the point at all.
The US has turned into a fascist mafia state that kidnaps people off the streets and out of their homes and schools and arbitrarily locks them up without trial.
Somewhere, without a lawyer, without paperwork.
Wait wait wait! It’s the first Designer Kakistocracy in history! Give credit where it’s due! Think of it as live improv theater with carefully selected and comically stupid actors all directed by a malignant narcissist beholden to a sadistic foreign dictator! That makes it all better, right?
Unfortunately the only person who can act on this is the leader of the regime. Unless there is a huge swell of public outrage the decision will not be made.
Jail. That’s jail for every one. Perjury, jail. knowingly using a means of communication that violates national security, jail. Using a means that intentionally destroys government communications, jail.
In a normal administration, you’d have qualified, capable people. Even then, if one made a large mistake even far less severe than this one, they would take responsibility and resign rather than shame the president and the country.
This is not normal nor should it be. People need to wake up!
Normalcy??!! This isn’t what every maga fuckstick voted for in November. Unfortunately for them, the reasons they voted for this abhorrent slime all are gonna hurt them most as they lose their jobs and homes all so Trump can make his rich buddies richer
There is only one way you return to normalcy. And no wants to think about it much less hear it. Because that way is so draconian we may lose ourselves in it.
Sen. Duckworth on FoxNews said, "Hegseth should resign. He said the drones will hit & 30 min later a 2nd sortie of F-18s will hit the target. That told the enemy the exact spot. Where the drones hit, that's where our pilots were in danger and I worry about future missions."
I could be 'I do not recalling' correctly...but that's what it reminds me of.
All guilty
The US has turned into a fascist mafia state that kidnaps people off the streets and out of their homes and schools and arbitrarily locks them up without trial.
Somewhere, without a lawyer, without paperwork.
dangerous criminal behavior, all lies and coverup
resign now or prosecute and remove them all
This is not normal nor should it be. People need to wake up!
Light 'em up up up!
Light 'em up up up!