In The Yellow Book of Brechewald (which I got last year), the framing device is that players are students at a magical university, but the gameplay is all about dungeon crawling. Are there other games that have a "I'm going to school" framing that have more explicit mechanics for the day to day?
But the jist was that it was a hostile dungeon school and you had to depth crawl routes to classes
Also, "Depthcrawl to classes" reminded me that Goodberry Monthly has their wizard university dungeon.
It’s got some neat playbooks and some really cool rules for different departments.
So, I did Academies of the Arcane for Melsonia; but it was framed within the context of "Wizards have no sense of right and wrong" - and thus classes are framed more as an excuse to go on/suffer through specific encounters/adventures.
Here's the relevant pages - should they be of any worth.
Thresholds of Successes vs Failures, with outcomes which determine how much new information is gained which is usable/useful/correct.
Without informing the players of what info is incorrect.
Two pieces of truth, but two potential mistruths which will make using said spell in the field way more dangerous, incorrect, or faulty.
Wizards view students as future rivals. Failure's encouraged.